Friday, March 13, 2009


It is obvious to the reader that Blanche is a victim of various delusions and violence throughout the play of “A Streetcar Named Desire”. She emotionally and physically is treated horribly all throughout the play. Although, Blanche is not the only one that falls under the category of victim in this play, Stella and Mitch are also victimized in the play.

Stella is a victim in the play in the sense that she is caught between Stanley and Blanche, two completely different worlds. She cares to Blanche because she is her sister and they grew up together. She also thinks that Blanche has been through a great deal of tragedy, and that she should be there for her older sister. On the other hand, Stella has to support her husband Stanley because that is her new life that she has chosen, and it truly does make her happy. In this situation, Stella is a victim of choosing the past, Blanche, or the present, Stanley. In the end, she chooses the side of her present, with her new born child, husband, and new life. This is seen in the last seen when Stella and Stanley basically call a Doctor from an asylum to take her away. Also, Stella is seen to have chose Stanley over Blanche because when Blanche must have told Stella about the rape that occurred, Stella says “I couldn’t believe her story and go on living with Stanley”, which just shows that she rather not believe her own sister in order to not risk the chance of losing her new life with Stanley.

Another character that is victimized throughout the play is Mitch. He is a victim of all the lies that Blanche feeds him. He does not know any different than to believe Blanche, even though the audience of the play knows that he is being lied to. In this sense, Williams want the audience to be sympathetic towards Mitch. He is also a victim of pressure. I feel like one of the main reasons he starts talking to Blanche in the first place is not because he likes her, but because he a great deal of pressure to get married because the is the ideal thing to do at there age. Just as Blanche wants to get married before she gets to old, Mitch is also in that same position. Mitch also gets pressure from his mother, whom he loves dearly, because wants to see Mitch married before she passes away and Mitch wants to fulfill that wish for her before her death.

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